Dragoș Stan
Actor and Comedian
Dragoș Stan is the man who sees the fear of failure like a car’s handbrake. It can be a useful tool sometimes, but make sure to release it when you’re ready to hit the road. For over 10 years, he has been part of the comedy project Epic Show. He performs with the group Improvertiții and, in Stan și Asociații, he seeks out the unintentional humor born from interactions with ordinary people. When he’s not doing comedy, he is a host and event organizer, DJ, sports and wellness enthusiast, social entrepreneur, and constantly striving for personal growth.
Although many believe he always has the right words at hand, Dragoș thinks it’s more convenient to borrow the words of others, just like money. His motto is actually a Bulgarian proverb: if it is, it is; if it isn’t, it isn’t; that’s just how it is.